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逛網站看到器捐者的話真的好感動 ,榮耀歸神 ! 

You do so many great thing ,I just watch . I get to watch and coach and cheer , but that's not me out there , it never will be . If you take this piece of me , carry it with you ...then I really can share in everything you do. This   is the great thing I can do with my life . 

VANEssa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 dec .12 2015 來不急跟教會疼愛我的Maria say goodbye 在facebook 向他傾訴 得到 Maria的安慰  非常感動 感到很有力量God gives us hard times so we can cry out to Him and trust Him more with our lives, God is good and wants us to speak with Him everyday. I really miss you, take care of yourself. Stay in contact Let me know when you get back.  Love you and may God bless you。      

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